Top 4 Servicing Areas in which Low Code Workflow Tools Create Massive Savings and Reduce Risk
Top 4 Servicing Areas in which Low Code Workflow Tools Create Massive Savings and Reduce Risk
A mortgage servicing shop will typically use a big-box tool such as MSP or Sagent to track transactions at the customer level. The number of monthly transactions a mortgage servicer needs to track is mind-boggling. In addition to the intense processing requirements and the rules the states come up with, servicers must also comply with thousands of regulations from FNMA, FHLMC, GNMA, FHA, VA, USDA, PIH, and the CFPB, to name a few. This complexity is multiplied due to the number of transactions a servicer must escalate between staff and supervisors. Further, transactions must also travel between departments and may need to be passed back and forth with the mortgage loan borrower. Mortgage servicing is one of the most complex financial activities undertaken by any organization. Bankers are busy, but the complexity of the operational aspects of a bank pales in comparison to the mortgage loan servicer.
These complex conditions force the servicer to spend thousands of hours annually on training, development, supervision, and quality assurance with their hires. Internal audit staff, compliance auditors, and external auditors are just a few entities that audit the work performed by a mortgage loan servicer. Both federal and state examiners also spend time in the details of the data of a servicer, looking back to evaluate the propriety of random transactions performed by servicing staff. The lack of qualified resources makes it even harder for servicers to meet these expectations. Therefore, the servicer is often the financial firm that will take someone from a completely unrelated field and attempt to make them a mortgage servicing expert. These factors create tremendous compliance and financial risks for the mortgage loan servicer. We have not even mentioned the customer service risk of not taking the actions required by the borrower. These conditions require servicers to track many activities and actions outside the mainframe system. Typical tracking tools are usually built-in Microsoft Excel and bundled with reports and downloads from these mainframe systems. However, these tools are typically only used to track transactions and activity. They do not “work” to solve or move problems through stages of resolution until they go away.
This is where easy to develop low code workflow tools such as the Decisions platform come into play. “Low code” software means a programmer is not required to develop a solution within the tool. Typically, people with sound logic and a strong awareness of customer perspectives can be powerful team members who can learn to design and develop these low-code tools. You can learn more about Decisions in general by viewing this simple video:
In our experience, several key areas are ripe for using a low code workflow tool. We will outline the top four areas where servicers should strongly consider using these tools.
- Cashiering – One of the more back office, high-risk areas of mortgage servicing involves the back-and-forth decisions required between default servicing units and cashiering when posting payments received on delinquent accounts. Volumes are not often that high, but these complex transactions never stop and are always time and compliance sensitive. Foreclosure and bankruptcy attorneys are just waiting to pounce on posting errors that may have caused the mortgagor to be confused or harmed. Examiners are constantly looking for transaction delays that create unnecessary fees or those that do not meet regulatory requirements. Payments come in from delinquent borrowers. These payments are immediately rejected by the servicer’s lockbox, where 99% of all transactions are automatically processed. These rejections appear in the cashiering department’s inbox, where they must then be designed to determine the appropriate servicing area that must help determine how to post this payment. The decisions could be made by loss mitigation, foreclosure, bankruptcy, or even in-house legal counsel if, for some reason, the borrower is in litigation. Can we all agree that this sounds complicated? It is, in fact, very complex. There are tasks within a typical servicing system where these transactional exceptions can be tracked, and communication can occur. However, the complexity of these tracking solutions does not compare to the complexity and rigor of the decisions required; therefore, experienced personnel, spreadsheets, policies, and procedures often help govern these decisions and communication. A low code workflow tool such as Decisions can help improve communication between departments, ensure policies and practices are built into the process, ensure compliance, and increase decision speed. Sometimes, a payment may meet specific pre-defined decision steps and can be automatically posted without going between departments for processing. Also, remember that a strong analyst can build and maintain most of the workflow actions required.
- Loss Drafts: This name does not do this department justice. This is typically the servicing area where borrowers who have mortgages file a claim against their hazard or flood insurance policies and interact with the servicer to get the funds necessary to make repairs. In most cases, the insurance carrier will make any insurance proceed checks payable to the mortgage company AND the mortgagor jointly. The borrower will typically have to endorse the check and send it to the servicer. The funds are deposited and then remitted back to the borrower, typically in increments and slowly enough for the servicer to receive evidence that the repairs are being made. This area is so complex that it is often outsourced to a third party (where I am sure workflow tools are also engaged). Transaction volumes in this area are usually high or, at a minimum unpredictable because the volumes tend to follow the unpredictable nature of weather or natural disasters. Since many transaction decisions are manual and not supported by the servicer’s big mainframe, these peaks and valleys are incredibly difficult to staff. The complexity of the decisions requires subject matter experts. The compliance rules are often vague in this area and, therefore, must be supported by management decisions via policy. Workflow solutions such as Decisions can play a significant role in eliminating many of these issues. Staffing becomes less complicated because decisions can be mostly automated or closely guided with workflow decisioning tools (no pun intended). This way, resources from other departments can be easily taught how to jump in and help. Compliance risk can be virtually eliminated. Communication with the borrower improves dramatically, increasing customer satisfaction. Remember that activities surrounding these “loss drafts” are most likely emotionally charged situations. Borrowers want to repair their most prized possession, and their servicer is “holding out” cash from them. No one expects this to happen, and it gets frustrating. Contractors can also complicate matters when their demands for payment do not line up with the decisioning of the servicer. Low code workflow tools are a fabulous solution to help eliminate risk and cost in this low-profile but expensive component of the mortgage servicer.
- Foreclosure prevention – Foreclosure prevention steps are many and varied in a mortgage servicing shop, similar to how originations activities work. The servicer communicates with a borrower, takes an application, follows up on missing information, underwrites the borrower for a foreclosure prevention option, communicates again with the borrower, prepares documents, communicates further with the borrower, communicates with the mortgage loan investor or insurer, completes tasks to file certain documents with states or counties, etc. Whew! A tool like Decisions can ensure that all required information is obtained from the borrower through built-in checklists. The tool can perform underwriting logic and move questions for the borrower and required documents inside and outside the company for approval and signature. Automation can materially reduce the experience level needed to perform these otherwise complex tasks. This alone can create immediate savings for the organization. Borrower satisfaction increases materially as transactions become more automated and communication with the borrower becomes more consistent, frequent, and transparent. Compliance becomes a non-issue because the steps performed through the automation create the necessary compliant audit trail to support and defend inquiries from even the most difficult examiners.
- Foreclosure Timeline Management – This area reminds us of the television show, Wipeout. The competitors are up against the clock running through an obstacle course above the water. At the same time, outside forces constantly throw punches directly at the contestant, attempting to knock them into the water. Once in the water, the competitor starts again, but the clock keeps ticking. Foreclosures must often follow a specific path and timeline, but outside unpredictable events can easily knock the servicer off track and outside of this timing. Other particular actions must be taken to get the loan back on track.
In some cases, there are massive financial fines for any deviation from the regulations around this servicing area. Due dates can change, actions required, and who must take these actions can change on a dime. Many different servicing parts are involved, and exceptions to the rule are like lilies in the field. We could go on and on about the risks and rewards of foreclosure timeline management. Suffice it to say that the Decisions platform is a fantastic solution that solves a problem none of the giant mortgage banking systems have taken the time to solve.
Take some time today to think about some of the complex and ongoing problems that have been persistent in your mortgage servicing organization. These are often in and around areas of growth and change where chaos tends to live and breathe. Brainstorm how an automated workflow solution could help solve many of these pesky problems.
Call us if you would like to discuss this further.