Mortgage Servicing Quality Control

BridgeRM provides a hands on consultive mortgage servicing quality control product. We know servicing. Our leadership team has led complex top ten mortgage servicing firms through growth, risk, delinquent portfolios, intense government and insurer oversight and everything in between. We know every aspect of mortgage servicing from strategies to execution throughout the organization.


We combine this knowledge with a deep understanding of mortgage investor and insurer requirements. We focus, in particular, on the servicing of government insured loans. Our priority is to understand and to communicate to our clients how to interpret and implement these rules. 


From customer service to claims, we make loan selections on a risk based basis for all investors and insurers. We leverage subject matter experts in all areas of mortgage servicing compliance to evaluate your servicing activities against the rules. Our system has been designed specifically for our use over time. Basically, our audit system allows us to evaluate virtually every line of regulatory requirement against your servicing activities. Typically, we log directly into your system which limits the information you provide to us to perform these reviews. Although compliance is still management’s responsibility, we will support you in this effort by providing timely and thorough surveillance of your operation compared to regulatory requirements.


We will deliver trended reports of errors by typical servicing department and regulatory requirement. We will compare your trended results to your peers and provides consultive advice monthly during a formal exit meeting to help you identify and solve recurring or high risk issues.


We provide mortgage servicing quality control to entities serving loans directly as well as investors and issuers that need to monitor a sub-servicer.

information in a format all key stakeholders can follow. This is a science that requires experience, perspective and leadership to accomplish. Our team has each of these key components giving us a unique advantage to provide analytical support to any organization. Whether on a temporary or permanent basis we can support your organization’s analytical needs. Tell us more about what you need and we will design a plan for you to evaluate to see if you agree that we can become your analytical bridge.

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to a better future