Targeted Loss Mitigation

Quality Control for FHA Payment Supplement and VA Servicing Purchase (VASP) Programs

In today’s complex mortgage servicing landscape, servicers must navigate new loss mitigation programs like HUD’s FHA Payment Supplement and the VA Servicing Purchase (VASP) amid strict regulatory oversight. BridgeRM provides specialized QC services for these programs, helping servicers ensure compliance, reduce risks, and achieve positive outcomes for borrowers.

The Importance of Targeted QC for FHA Payment Supplement and VA Servicing Purchase Programs

The new FHA Payment Supplement and VA Servicing Purchase plans introduce complexities best addressed through targeted QC reviews to:

Ensure Accurate Borrower Handling

Minimize Compliance Risks

Focus on Critical Calculations

FHA Payment Supplement

1. Documentation and Record Keeping:

2. Payment Supplement Calculations:

3. Disbursement and Application of Funds:

4. Reporting and Communication:

5. Handling of Subsequent Defaults:

6. Termination and Final Accounting:

VA Servicing Purchase (VASP)

1. Loan Qualification Criteria:

2. Trial Payment Plan (TPP) Compliance:

3. Documentation and Reporting:

4. Loan Modification Terms:

5. Servicing Transfer Process:

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